Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Marginally better night - only 4 night feeds instead of 7! I keep hoping that his sleep will improve as he starts eating more but it's not happened yet. The majority of the other babies I know are sleeping through by now, but I didn't until I was almost 3 - my mum jokes that she's getting her revenge now! I have dramatically revised my expectations and am coping much better with the sleep deprivation now. I guess it's another milestone - he'll sleep through when he's ready.

Usual busy Monday - sing and sign this morning and my postnatal group meeting this afternoon. I always have to wake Henry up from his naps on Monday's which means he is always very tired, but he was full of giggles tonight - big belly laughs which he's not really done before!

Today's blip is Henry playing with his new toy - a plastic spoon which came with olive magazine. He likes chewing it, banging it on things and hitting me with it - it's going to be conveniently lost soon at this rate!

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