Impression of Simplicity

By HairballAlley

Cath Fucking Kidston

I'd like to see someone regurgitate bunting, slowly pulling it out their mouth, covered in stomach acid and saliva, I'd like to see a very very obese person licking the icing off that cake you've so horrendously shaped like a swan, I'd like to see the bird that you plucked lain next to the feathered monstrosity that you intend my mother in law to wear on her head.

To have and to have and to have, you're holding things up with your procrastination over your tee-pee booking, your priceless or worthless vintage tea cups will need a hell of a lot more gin in them if you expect me to swallow anymore of this bullshit.

1 day, it's about your partner and you, please spare me the details.

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