Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Liza's Turn to Speak

My mom told me I could do the blipping today, since she hasn't been feeling well. She slept almost all day (I was really good and didn't bark or wake her up once!), but we didn't get to do my most favorite thing, which is go scootering/walking around the neighborhood, or her almost-favorite thing, which is taking pictures. So she told me I'd be her "last resort blip," whatever that means!

One of the things I've been doing really well lately is what she calls "sitting pretty." I can balance on my back legs, on my haunches and sit there for the longest time waiting for a treat. But I've been messing with her. Every time I do that and she grabs the camera, I stop! Isn't that funny?! She gets really frustrated, but she keeps giving me treats, hoping I'll do it again. Pretty smart, huh?

I've been working on some good facial expressions: pitiful, perturbed, too cute for words, sad, happy. In this photo I look really perturbed, don't I? She kept trying and trying to take my picture sitting pretty, and I got a little offended that she didn't think I was pretty enough anyway! I even tried to roll my eyes at her.

You can see my moose in this picture, on the floor in front of me. Moose is my very favorite toy in the world. She comes with a couple of squeakers, but I usually work hard at taking those out right away, even though I like the sound they make. Moose is pretty hearty, but I do manage to wear her down eventually, so my moms keep extra ones on hand. I know where they are, though, along with the extra treats and rawhide bones, and when I hear that cupboard door squeak open, I get very excited!

Mom and I are going to go back to sleep now. Thanks for letting me play blip with you today!

Liza Jane

P.S. I look pretty good LARGE, if I do say so myself! But do you think this angle makes my butt look big?

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