If You Could See Me Now


Another Day, Another Sunset.

So the past couple of weeks have been INSANE.

Let me give you a quick rundown....

I have been applying for full time jobs FOREVER!

Went for an interview for a cafe job, the following Monday I had the job... Gave two weeks notice at my old job.

Then spent the week MISERABLE. I hated the job so so much! I'm not 100% sure why, but I couldn't stand it. It made me sad and angry and I was just awful to be around!

SO Yesterday I quit. Life is too short to be miserable - I know I only gave it a week, but I don't care. It was awful!

I'm sure people passed judgement, but it was my decision (Nick Helped!) and only affects me really.

So now it looks like I have one weekend left at my old job and then no job...


After taking back my uniform today (I NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK YAY!) I got a call from a job I applied for before I got the cafe job asking if I'll go in for an interview tomorrow :D

I love it when you make a decision and then all the signs point to the fact that you knew what you were doing. Life is too short to not, at least, semi-enjoy what you're doing, even if it is the means to an end!

In other news:
- I cleaned the WHOLE house yesterday!
- I baked biscuits and bread today!
- Me and Nick get out business logo soon and then I can start the website :D
- It was sunny and warm!!! YAY!!!

And this is the view from our house! :) I love the view! I love itttttt!!!

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