
By D77


This was pretty much all that was left of our downstairs area in the villa after cyclone Gonu struck. We saved a load of stuff by moving it upstairs as the water was spilling in through the doors. I think the most upsetting thing for me, other than not knowing when the water was going to stop, was the next day when I realised the box of personal possessions I brought with me from the UK was completely ruined. (Note to Tractor Factory Photos, that included my limited edition boxsets of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus!)

This picture was taken 4 days after our place was flooded. There was only a foot and a half of water inside but it was a really quite disgusting mixture of mud, sea water and sewage which made us both physcially very ill during the horrible cleaning up process.

Larissa and I never felt quite the same living in that villa...

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