My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Every day it's a new view

I didnt realise how beautiful this photo was until I saw it on the screen. I loved the clouds today and realise I have captured a mood in the sky today.

Work was a emotionally tiring today and I am feeling drained. I had to deal with 3 different girls in my office today and each of them does not have a mother. I only realised this later and thought how ironic it was. These 3 girls really pull at my heart strings and I feel a little heartbroken today for them.

The story behind my photo is this: When I got home around five today I decided to go down to the water to see if there was something to Blip. Being tired I asked Son S to give me a ride on his Evo (motorised scooter) about 1km down the road. He was feeling sick today and had stayed at home so it was good to see him well and we had a bit of fun. I took a few photos but wasn't expecting much from them. This one surprised me but does capture my heavy heart. Luckily every cloud has a silver lining and I am sure tomorrow will be a better day!

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