eyes finally open

By cradleyheathen


some people have asked my why i take my camera everywhere with me, and this is the reason why.

today at work i heard a tremendous rumbling coming from the sky behind us, i looked outside and saw a plane come shooting over before banking round and doing a few moves, including what looked and sounded like a full throttle verticle climb. its probaby worth pointing out this is in a built up area, not out in the sticks. if we had been directly under him, im sure our windows would have shattered!

about ten minutes passed and he came back again, and this time, after a few more manouvres, he left and did a victory roll! now im no expert, but im pretty sure they arnt meant to do any of this stuff over public houses, certainly without some serious clearance from the people with scrabmled egg on their peaked caps anyway.

finally, we were pretty sure it was followed both times by what looked like a drone? a really strange looking thing, twin engined, and no cockpit that we could see, even when i have zoomed in on my computer. strange but very interesting sight, made my day anyhow.

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