Ina's Snippets

By ina

Colorful Reflection

"Life is a gift and all of us who have the capacity, must remember that we have the responsibility to give something back; a small but consistent commitment of time and caring can make a measurable difference in the world." (and in your personal life! my2cents)

~ Anthony Robbins ~


We went to the mall today to get curtain rods - we stopped by the Spur to have coffee.

Caught the reflection of one of the big light panels in my coffee cup! People must have thought I'm crazy... been blipping my cup for all angles to get the best shot - first with my little Nikon and then took out the Sony so I can adjust the shutter speed.

Now that I know it can be done, I want to go back and try again, with a better composition and hopefully more light:)

Hanged the first lot of curtains, need to get more rods tomorrow to finish the job.

Wish you all a wonderful week ahead! Be the best you can be,in everything you do - even just for one day - for yourself and no one else :) Not just at work - with your kids, with your other half, with the dog, when you make tea. Amazing feeling.... believe me :) - just try it!


No dream is out of can do anything!"

~ unknown ~

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