Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

Ne'er cast a clout til May be out.

Well - there you have it.
Conclusive proof that the weather is slightly screwy. Still February (well, it received a days extension) and the trees are bloomin' marvellous. So let the hostilities begin early - thump to your heart's content with pre-summer abandon. While my twisted take on the proverbials was, of course, inane, silly and altogether puerile, as you can witness - the May is in fact out - pink & proud with its portent of imminent casual summerwear. Yet pay heed - the poor trees are altogether confused, nature is discombobulated and the seasons are mere placeholders of chaotic climatic events that any sane person in tune with the land would rapidly lose marbles over.
So forget the trees - and ensure you choose the long trews & keep your thermal vests close to your chests for a wee while yet = The indicator may be signalling, but it sure ain't summer yet.

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