
By Hayls

I'm over it now

The insides of tulips used to see me run screaming from the garden. My 5 year old self thought them far too spider-like for comfort. But, as the title says, I'm over that particular phobia now (the tulip innards one, not the spider one - they still see me run screaming through the house until brave hubby catches them and banishes them to the garden). Anyway, the tulips were a gift from some lovely friends and I thought I'd blip them before they wilt even further.

Other than that, I was in Lennoxtown today meeting a rather lovely man about some rather lovely sound and lighting equipment installed in the community hall. He gave me a quick demo and I was blown away by how loud he could crank up the volume to the Smurfs. Those little blue guys can sure make some BIG noise!!!!!

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