Life at 88mph

By neet


Today I was on a course in Bristol. I was greeted on arrival at the by not just coffee. Oh no my friends, a huge mound of bacon rolls. Huge! That was regularly replenished! Made up for the fact that I had walked from the station in the p***ing rain. Then, walked into the first room and there weren't just pens and pads on the tables. Oh no. There were little packets of Pearson mints! Woah, not bad for a free course! Of course they were about to explain how much BTEC Applied science is going to change so maybe they were trying to weigh the delegates down so that they were more likely to fall asleep than attack the speakers with the free pens.

I learnt a lot, ate a lot, and have discovered that marking on a train makes me feel sick. I'm off to catch some z's. Have a picture of St. Mary Redcliffe churchg. It's very pretty but I can't tell what the picture looks like cos I'm trying to edit it on a bloody phone. I honestly don't know how helendc does it!

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