the raven... ordinary bird

yet one that i've become rather enamoured with... do i know why - nope... they can be a bit annoying - with their loud raucous call... they swoop up and down - they can bother the gulls - they fly from tree top to tree top...

however - i find them most intelligent... their feathers glisten in the sunlight with irridescent colors... if you pay attention, watching them closely they do the most amazing and interesting things... i find myself engaged with them to the point that time seems to stand still - they allow me to come fairly close, listening to me chatter at them - keeping a close eye on me before i breach their space...

i know they get a bum rap for being a bad bird - causing havoc, doing damage, going after innocent prey. while that may be true - the positive aspects should be considered as well instead of a simple quick judgement being made. i'm just sayin'... i know it's only a bird - but one i felt compelled to speak up for based on my recent interactions... it's worth it - when they make for...


happy day.....

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