And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Tea time for them and me!

There pretty easy going these two, seed and lard go down well with a wee bit of cake for good measure, were having home made fish chips and peas :) everyone's a winner except im having jack pot not chips as im on diet but I can look at there's lol had a lazy day a couple of good friends came and tried to encourage me im a lucky lady to have such friends who dont let you go when you are not acting like they know you can, big thanks to sue you truly are one in a billion <3 <3 the funniest thing just happened I went to check the fish and my skirt fell down its the first time I have worn the skirt in a year it must be all the weight I have lost lol good job it didn't happen when Sue and Hugh were here now that would have been EMBARRASSING!! This as spurred me on to continue with the healthy eating. Hope your all well.

love c xxx

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