All things me

By KatiePie

Life's too short

Serious moment coming up. Sorry.

My gorgeous friend got diagnosed with breast cancer recently. She's going to kick butt. I feel so desperately sorry that she has to go through this but I'm confident she will come out of this even stronger than she already is. And she's pretty tough now. She's also an English teacher so would cringe at me starting a sentence with an and.

My neighbour told me today though about her friend, a fellow school mum who died last week from cancer. Leaving behind a 10 year old son whose Dad died before he was born.

My own dad died from cancer when I was 12. He was only 42. An age I feel like I'm rapidly approaching.

It's not just that evil C Word though. My lovely father in law died last Easter in a horrible accident.

None of us know when our time is up. For many of us it's going to be up all too soon.

So why am I getting so bloody stupidly stressed out by working from home today, by trying to fit in my life to the hours we have and failing so badly when others seem to cram much more into less time with not nearly so much trouble? So irritated by the amount of TV that Littlest One watches and his difficult eating? So anxious about dieting and time for exercising to lose a bit of weight that most people don't even see is there?

In other news.. the Cornbury lineup was released today. I can't WAIT!! It's not the most earth shattering line up in terms of headliners, but that's fine by me. It's a weekend with my family, chilling out, with some good music going on in the background.

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