Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Full Moon - The other side

- My earliest blip yet...

Mother nature cooperated this morning on the way in to work today and let me get this shot as the moon was setting. There was a thin layer of clouds but it didn't impact the quality all that much.

I pulled off the highway at 4:35a.m. and was able to get set up in time to snap a picture of the official full moon which occurred at 4:40 a.m. Eastern. I forgot the tripod this morning, so I leaned the camera lense against the side of the tree so that I could steady the camera.

Click here to see the other side of the moon when it was coming up on Wednesday evening: Moon Rise 03/07/2012

A fellow blipper got what I think is a much better shot:
Weeklies Shot of the Moon

It is 70 degrees and sunny out right now so I think I'm going to get the dogs and go for a walk. Have a great evening.


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