The Light Chaser

By TheVisualArtist

Color Impact | 051/366

Fellow Photographers and Blippers. I'm still on my quest to be a Visual Artist with this medium of photography. Although I'm still operating in the world of compact/point and shoot camera land, I continue to stretch myself .

I believe that a photograph can speak.

I'm still looking for ways to obtain better tools [a better paint brush]: saving, thinking and planning. I look out of the window of optimism: Hoping and Dreaming. Although this is not the best analogy, I'm reminded of when this cat named Moses was at the shore of the Red Sea and responsible for the safety of 2 million + people and the enemy army was fast approaching. At this critical time the Lord asked a question, "what's in your hand?" He responded, "A rod". The Lord said, "Stretch forth your hand". Well, the rest is history. They walked across on dry ground and escaped the enemy.

My point: although it may seem insignificant, you have to use what you have to get the Dream done. No dream ever came alive in the context of perfect conditions. By their very nature Dreams are born and come alive out of struggle! Dreams thrive on lack.

So, I have my [little] compact camera, imagination and passion; therefore I will shoot.

What's in your hand?

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