Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

The moon and Mt Iron

The Boss says that there is a full moon tonight and he was going to go out with a camera. Great says I as I love the thought of running around in the dark.
So When he gathered his industrial strength tripod and went out the door WITHOUT ME there was hell to pay. The Bossess was not too pleased but apparently The Boss was up wind at the lakes edge watching a bunch of tourists trying to photograph "The Tree" in the dark. "Maybe they know something that I don't" he said later, when he proceeded to point the other way.
The sky was a bit mucky so the effect was quite dramatic around the moon which went completely into cloud so he came back. I was so worried about him and actually barked to give him a beacon home. The Bossess was not too happy about that either. Some days you can't seem to do anything right.

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