A year of adventure

By sjones

Day 73 to 76

Saturday 17th December:
Sam and I got up early this morning and drove to Leeuwenbosch to go out on game drive with Grant, Williams brother. It was a really nice drive, although it was poor weather to start with it then brightened up and got really hot. Then we came back, got changed and Sam had to pack the last of his things and leave for the airport. It was really sad and I was glad to have the wedding going on this afternoon so I had something else to think about and to do.

The club looked wonderful all set up for the wedding and everything. The reception all went smoothly and it was really lovely. It was one of the landowners daughters who got married and so we knew a lot of the people there. The bride and groom left at about 12, then most of the guests left, but the brides brothers, parents and a couple of others stayed for a long time. I went to bed at about 3.30, but Stacey didn't close up until about 6.

Sunday 18th December:
I got up at about 9 today, I was just making coffee when another of the landowners knocked on our house door asking for the club key so they could clear up the stuff from the wedding, so I gave it to , him, put some clothes on quickly and went over to help. His little children were there helping as well, they were very sweet. We had done most of the clearing up by about 12 so then we came back over to our house and relaxed. In the afternoon it was so hot that we decided to get into the paddling pool that we had bought and Kyle came over to join us. Then this evening we relaxed and then went to bed. I managed to get hold of Rhi, a lady from church, who I had been trying to call to tell that Sam and I were engaged, which was fun.

Monday 19th December:
I spoke to mum yesterday about hiring a car for the time that they are over here, so that I can get to Bukela and back to see them and to get around and so the brides two brothers were going through to PE to return wedding stuff and so we got a lift with them, had lunch with them and then collected a new hire car. Then I had to go to Home affairs to finish my visa paperwork. Then we went to do some shopping and a bought another ring to wear as an engagement ring in the meantime, as mine is a little big and so I am sending it home with Mum to be resized. Then we went to the same place on the beachfront for dinner before coming home.

Tuesday 20th December:
Today we didn't do a lot this morning, as Stacey has taken today and yesterday off and I didn't have any work to do. So this afternoon we asked William if we could go through to Sundays river for the afternoon and then we came home got ready and then went out to Grahamstown for dinner. We took Jana with us and then met Stacey's mum and dad there. It was really nice. Then we came back, took Jana back to Kraiibos and went home and to bed.

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