A confused genius

By Lez11


Had a chat at work about fashion when we were growing up. My mate at work used to be a new romantic and had a mullet perm just like they have in German porn. The only thing is that he didn't have the mustashe to go with it. He is going to bring pictures in on monday! of his mullet perm that is, not German porn.

I was wondering what my most embarrassing garment was when I was growing up. I think it either had to be my purple shell suit or my Mc Hammer trousers I used to own, "you can't touch this".

The picture is of my brother, sisters and me when we were younger which I'm sure they won't appriciate. As you can see in the picture, fashion was really bad back in the day.

I have now learned to play the G chord, D chord and C chord on my guitar. I can also play the intro to wonderwall, (badly), well the first 4 chords anyway. I'm struggling with my transition from chord to chord but that will come in time.

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