Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The bird has landed

This was the bizarre scene in the reception at School today.

The front door opened and a large wing appeared around the door. Then a battered old suitcase, then finally, author Gill Lewis.

And as I helped her in with her bird and her suitcase, we had a laugh about how the bird catches people out, including me, but it is in fact made of paper and as Gill says so herself, a bit tatty. In fact, you can see a pencil sticking through it's neck, helping to prop up the bird into it's shape.

The reason I was in reception at break time was to wait with Claire for Mr G to come to school to take her home.

She's still unwell but bad mummy had insisted that she go to school for the last day of the week. It was however, very quickly apparent that it was the wrong decision. So she had to be parcelled off home again.

It's such a shame, as Claire had permission to attend Gill's talk about her book Sky Hawk.

Fortunately, I had purchased a copy of the book from our Librarian, Carol and Carol had kindly offered to get the book signed for her. It looks like Gill will be returning for another talk after the Easter hols, so hopefully Claire will make that one.

Happy Friday!

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