Happy Blipday to me...

I would have baked a cake but as I wouldn't be able to eat it, you'll have to make do with an orange.
Oh, and there was no L. So there's a heart. Love begins with an L.. think laterally. It all makes sense really.

I'm really pleased I've managed 365 - ok, so it's not like my 365 and my 1 year coincided, but I don't think there was much difference. I don't think I've missed out many days.
I was going to treat myself to full membership but as I treated myself to 2 lots of theatre tickets (Monday with lovely Tina as a last minute treat, and in April with Mr KP as something to look forward to) I don't think I can stretch to it. Might have to sulk a bit around Mr KP and see if he'll treat me.

It's a bit of a hasty blip as I wasn't sure that I'd see anything else today and didn't want to risk it. We're off to LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARNDEN to go and see Jack Whitehall later on so really I ought to be organising the small people and the dog so that they can be left in safe hands with as little inconvenience as possible.

That was a hint to myself to get off my arse.

It hasn't worked..

Although this is starting to be a bit of a long waffle, I just wanted to throw in at the end how much I have enjoyed blipping for the last 365 and hope that I can carry on and maybe improve the quality of my pics! When I read backwards through my journal I've had laughs and tears and I really appreciate having the record of my life.. highs, lows, pretty things and all.

I also wasn't expecting to enjoy the community-ness of it all quite so much, but you're all quite lovely really, aren't you? :))

Thanks to those who follow my mundane journal. Well done for sticking with it! x

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