Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Not the Beatles.....

.....Mark 5

Screenshot of a what was originally a naff, grainy photo taken last night in the Dog and Parrot after the cocktail 'do' at the Centre for Life and under the's a powerful argument for knowing when to stop. It went through various incarnations (1, 2, and 3) around about midnight while I was waiting for the cats to come in from the cold (and drinking 2 large mugs of builders tea to counteract the effects of the large glass of generic red paintstripper consumed in said Dog and Parrot.....they're not known for their wine cellar.....)

Feeling remarkably unscathed considering a) the amount of alcohol consumed and b) the senior cat regurgitating a particularly large and juicy fur ball on the bottom of my bed at 6.45am (hence VERY early blip and a quilt cover in the wash!)......I may however avoid direct sunlight and loud noises for the rest of the day, just in case it all comes back to bite me on the bum.........

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