Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Youth and Experience

Although I do not believe in war I was moved to go into Stirling today where the Royal Regiment of Scotland was being given the freedom of the city..
There was a pause in the proceedings as the band played outside the Albert Halls and a chance for families and friends to greet the soldiers.
The title of my blip is a bit glib, who knows what either man has experienced? I cannot even imagine.
It was, as my old head of department used to say "a happy sad occasion" - poignant standing among the spring dowers in the garden of remembrance but yet joyful to see the proud traditions of the old regiments being respected.
As the band played a Scottish Soldier, Steve McKenna's adaptation of Andy Stewart's lyrics was resonating in my mind.

These are our soldiers, our Scottish soldiers
Who wandered far away and soldiered far away
There are none bolder with good broad shoulder
Who fought in many affray, and fought and won

They'd seen the glory, and told the story
Of battles glorious and deeds victorious
Now they're returning, their hearts are pounding
To see those green hills of their home

Because these green hills are the highland hills
And the island hills, they are my hills
As fair as these green, foreign hills may be
They are not the hills of home

And so these soldiers, these Scottish soldiers
Will wander far away to fight another day
And on a hillside, a Scottish hillside
They'll hear a piper play them home

They'd seen the glory, they'd told the story
Of battles glorious and deeds victorious
Our heroes home now, they must move on now
Back to those green hills they call home

And now these soldiers, these Scottish soldiers
Who wandered far away, soldiered far away
Our friends are falling, but hope is calling
The fight for freedom in that far land

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