Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

all in the name of art

Today's blip was chosen by the other-half. He's having a cover up tattoo, which was started today. It'll take approximately 12 hours and I think he has just had 6 hours worth. Including an hours drawing.

I 'popped in' at half 5 to take sugary drinks and treats. I left at 8. The tattoo shop is called 'Lost Time' and it really is. The shop was fascinating. There were 3 guys at work. All completely different personalities and drawing/tattooing styles. I just wished I could have taken a camera in and snapped away at them working. Lots of pics of Mr thirtysomething having his half. Sleeve tattooed and this was the one he chose.

Was it mean of me to want to blip the pain face? (its much worse than this!)

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