The journey continues...

By Lbell


Today was a bit of a bed day after stupidly deciding to watch The Notebook last night after getting in and falling asleep on the sofa until 9am.

When we eventually got ourselves out of bed later on in the day Helena and I went to fetch ingredients for a roast dinner...yum! However this definitely ended up being the drama of the day. I opened the pack of the chicken and let it slide out into the oven dish. It took a few seconds before I noticed that the chicken was still an entire chicken with a full head!!! They even included packaged feet :/ not cool. So of course this freaked me out, and I even left the kitchen. After speaking with Rodrigo, he confirmed that this was normal and so we headed back to the kitchen to sort our roast dinner our. Helena, previously working as a butcher, was the chosen one to chop the head off. I have the whole scene on camera and it certainly wasn't a pretty sight. After this whole ordeal we realised that our gas had run out, massive inconvenience. But thankfully Sharoll lives in the same building and so we decided to cook at hers.

The dinner took an absolute life time and everyone was starving by the time that it was ready. While it cooked we even managed to shower and get dressed for another night out. I also mastered the whole straightening hair with a hairdryer :) Finally we sat down to a lovely roast chicken, carrots, broccoli, roast potatoes and gravy. It was excelent!

That night we headed to a party that Ivan was at, stayed there for an hour or so before meeting Rodrigo and his friends and going to a bar close to the flat where we spent the rest of the night. I had a great night and felt good about myself as I ended up speaking in Spanish pretty much the whole night to one of Rodrigo's friends!

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