Now that`s what I call thick

All plans made for centre, lunch, home, watch rugby.....not.
First thing my hairdryer blew up, off to Hinckley, quick trip to Boots new hairdryer and electric toothbrush!!
Off to Woodlands for plants and lunch.....couldn`t see anything I really wanted and the queue for the restaurant was out the door so that plan was kicked out.
Nipped up the road to Greenacres, crap plants and the restaurant was packed.
Drove past The Nags head in Stapleton....fully booked.
Looks like I`m cooking then I said. Called into Asda for a chicken and some veg...£20 later we came home. Chris picked up this loaf of bread, we normally have brown but sometimes for a bacon sarnie or toast, only white will do. The slices only just fit into my toaster, they`re nearly an inch thick.
Good result for the rugby

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