All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

All over the place

Poor Ethan still really isn't himself at the moment.

He woke just before midnight, coughing and crying and asking for water. Went back to sleep quickly and again, slept till around 6am. Brought him through to our bed again, where he slept till 8.15am!

Hubbie & I wanted to check out the Jack & Jill Market which was on today in Livingston. It was hard work with Ethan though as he just wanted to pick all the toys up to play with them. It looks like a good way to sell no longer used baby things, so we might consider having a stall there ourselves some time.

Had another trip to The Centre as we wanted to go to Boots to get some cough mixture for Ethan. The pharmacist was lovely and as well as cough mixture, she gave us sudocreme on prescription too!

Took the long route home to get Ethan to sleep. He didn't sleep long in the car but when he woke, I brought him in the house where he curled up on me and slept for a while longer.

He was pretty grumpy when he woke though and remained like that for most of the afternoon. He was clearly feeling rotten. Has hardly eaten all day either.

We took a drive to Linlithgow late afternoon, only to discover the shop we wanted was closed. So stopped off at Dobbies on the way back, just so Ethan didn't have a car trip to nowhere! He loves seeing the fish there, checking out the sheds and playhouses, and running his fingers through the water fountains!

For the 3rd night in a row he has opted to sleep in the "peppa pig bed" so it's looking like the cot is now redundant! I feel quite sad about it as had assumed he'd use it as a cot bed for at least another year. Oh well!

Have also backblipped yesterday.

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