
By Kaysha

That Monday feeling...

Despite being a stay-at-home mum to my two adorable little cherubs, i still suffer from that Monday feeling. I think it's knowing that everyone else is back to work and my adult conversation becomes rather more limited. I also have the chore of having to get the kids ready on my own. Honestly, it is like trying to climb Everest in flip flops getting A ready in the morning; a monumental struggle! We battled this morning, as per usual, but eventually made it to playgroup fully clothed. Round 1 to me.

Next it was the lunchtime battle. A asked for a sandwich which she discarded after one bite. She then badgered me an hour later saying she was really hungry and needed lunch. Of course i was all 'No, if you can't eat your sandwich you get nothing else'. She broke me a half hour later. Round 2 to her.

She looks all sweetness and light at the moment but i'm just waiting to see who wins Round 3, the bedtime war.

Corners please.

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