Throu the "I" of the lens

By CLee


So I had a day off yesterday and have guilty since. I am back today with a concept my brain has been mulling around with all day. I am going to attempt this again tomorrow with a bit of a difference and hopefully with less ISO and enough lighting to capture it how I had envisioned. Stay tuned...

On another note another thing my brain has been mulling around with all day is which camera to upgrade to. As I am a devote Nikon fan, I have been tossing up with the D4, D3X, D800E. As CB will know this has been a really hard decision but thanks to her advice and pointing me in the right direction on the net to reviews and comparisons, I think I have finally chosen to go with the D800E. I think it is the best one that suits my photography, of course the D3X would be amazing but at almost 10000 dollars, it would be a push convincing my husband although he was quite happy for me to go for the 7000 dollar D4.

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