Dickie's Boatyard

Although Bangor has been around for about 1500 yrs it received a bit of an economic fillip in the late 1700s with the industrial revolution leading to demands for slate.

Two nearby quarries, Penrhyn and Dinorwic, competed for business and each developed its own port for exports. Port Penrhyn was sited on the East end of the Menai straits in Bangor while Port Donorwic was sited to the West of Bangor in the mid portion of the strait.

The slate quarries are long gone but two things remain.
1 )The wealth accumulated is reflected in the Faenol Estate (Dinorwic quarry) and Penrhyn Castle (Penrhyn quarry);
2) the two dock sites remain though without an obvious sense of purpose.

Port Penrhyn is now home to a lot of yachts (although its not nice enough to be called a marian) and Dickie's boatyard has been a long standing landmark in Bangor.

Here we see several yachts, out of the water for maintenance and repairs by Dckie's Boatyard staff

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