Tuesday blur

This morning I managed to have a full shower. (In itself this is rather fabulous, as it only got installed on Saturday and it's still a bit of a novelty!) But the most amazing part was that it wasn't accompanied by children or the sound of wailing - and it wasn't because the boys were asleep! No, they were laughing at each other, with the tv on in the background! Ben was laughing at Charley's happy sqawking, and Charley was sqawking happily because Ben was laughing!

We've been to playgroup and Milk! group today, with a tiny respite at home for lunch. Ben made a mothers' day card for me with only minimal assistance. Charley made one too. Well, he helped by being asleep! And once we got home (I shall try and forget the health visitor's nonsense about iron availability in food) the boys had a bath. A successful bath! Ben learnt a new trick to washing his hair - lying down in the bath to rinse the shampoo off - and Charley loved his quick soak. He was not impressed about getting out.

Steve had a lightbulb monent earlier. Charley has had some truly awful pooey nappies since the weekend. Not any normal kind of breastfed baby's pooey nappies. No, these are horrid. He's kinda off his milk but not really, he's drooling for england, one red cheek, some horrible screaming in pain today, and gnawing furiously on his fingers.

Those poor fingers are SO gonna feel it when that first toothypeg pops through, aren't they.

Life on the sofa has been a bit sparce today on account of not being in much, but Ben has made up for it in true Benjamin style.

Daddy became his drumkit.

Thank goodness for bedtime.

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