investigations of a dag

By kasty


I got back from the hen weekend on Sunday night- despite 3 hours sleep the night before I am too engrossed in my book and too caffeinated to sleep on the train back.

My poor wee flat was still standing but after I unpacked and switched on the work phone at 1am, I was more than a little narked to realise I was on an insanely early flight the next day and had to get up at 04:30.

Thanks again to the mighty powers of caffeine I survived the all day meeting but I know this insanity has to stop. Plans have been brewing for a while now and they are almost at bubbling point.

On the evening flight back I get to see the welsh hills as we take off and the lake district peaks drag the pink clouds apart. A stunning red sunset reflects like a lamp off the north sea. I'm smiling the smile of being 25,000 feet above the stress and the tiredness, as it's pretty out there and one day this crazyness will stop.

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