Jack James

By JackJames

I'm going to Spain to study next year! After such a long time waiting to hear back from the Geography department, I'd been gearing myself up for a no - and was wondering what to do about the place in Ottawa which I'd been feeling less and less enthusiastic about. But - to Spain it is!

More accurately, to Santander. I can't wait. I'd better brush up on my Spanish...

Aside from that, a good day in many other respects. Managed to get a tutorial slot for today, meaning no lectures tomorrow, so i'm planning a bike ride - may go south towards the pentlands and see what happens.

Other things that made me happy: 10p avocados and a new fridge/freezer for the flat coming on Friday.

Made a shepherds pie for dinner, then off to the pub later to celebrate Spain and the handing in of the essay.

As I'm writing this, Clarence just sat on my laptop charger and looked at me. This guy's got guts....and I'm going to poison them. Cute, but it's day's are numbered.

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