Garry Ure

By garryure

Edinburgh Police Box #13

Bit of a car roof included for interest with tonight's police box.

I have never been a fan of 'chuggers', (charity muggers - those over-friendly jokers trying to get you to part with your bank details in the middle of the street whilst keeping up the pretence that they are doing in the interest of 'their' charity) but at least when they're in the street you can pretty much avoid/ignore them. Now don't get me wrong I am in no way uncharitable but I like to give to charity on my own terms and I want to ensure that 100% of my donation actually makes it to the charity in question. Tonight though I actually had a chugger ring my doorbell and try to pitch their charity to me on my doorstep. Now that pisses me off big-time; I almost expect to be harassed in public but my own home should be off-limits. I wouldn't even mind if it was a wee flyer through the door or something, but this guy was close to putting his foot in the door to stop me closing it. I ended up shutting it on him when he was in mid-sentence which is not something I like doing but I would still be there now telling him I wasn't interested whilst my dinner got cold.

If anything these in-your-face tactics must have the opposite effect of what was intended. I now have a bad impression of a few charities that employ these tactics.

Anyway rant over for now, I'm off to enjoy my cottage pie that Susie has lovingly prepared.

Location: Merchiston Avenue

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