Four story

By fourstory

Made to measure

The tale of a toaster.

Father, who in another place is called the Head Gardener, bought a new toaster. He brought it home, popped in a slice of bread, looking forward to his toast :-)

The bread didn't fit :-(

He put the toaster back in the box, went to the shop and asked for and got his money back.

Later he went to the supermarket. He looked at the loaves of bread. He measured them (Head Gardeners often have tape measures in their pockets). They were all five and a half inches. Except the loaf the Head Gardener had bought. It was six inches.

He went back to the toaster shop. He measured the toasters. They were all five and a half inches. He went back to the desk and asked to buy his toaster back. Perplexed but pleased they sold it to him.

He went back to the supermarket. He bought a normal sized loaf. He went home. He had some toast :-)

His daughter came for dinner. She has only just stopped laughing.

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