
By KimChristie

Getting in on the act.

Me and my camera have not been best of friends today. Being the person that has, as yet, to read the manual after owning the camera for going on a year, when I press lots of buttons changing all the settings I invariably, as was the case today, don´t know how to undo what I have done. Why can´t cameras have an "undo owner idiocy" button? So I battled all day trying to get a blip. Lots of good opportunities passed me by because the exposure was too long or the white balance was all to hell or just because I have done something and I have no idea what that means unless it is on auto mode the pics all come out bright white or pitch black. After then deleting all my custom settings in a vain attempt to get it back to some kind of normalcy, all photos now come out with a sickly shade of yellow....or am I needing a trip to the blooming opticians?? All advice whole-heartedly welcomed.

Anyhoo, the outcome of today was not toobad in the end having got one before I started trying to be clever!

So here we have little S trying to get in on the act of blowing out wee B´s birthday candles. A whole 5 years old today. How on earth did that happen?! Sounds ridiculous to say but it does seem phenomenal that she can be 5 already, yet looking back it also seems like an awful long time since she arrived! Particularly on the days when she displays her well refined 5 (newly updated from 4) year old drama queen/surly bisom/I hate..... (fill in the blank - it covers a range of topics which actually fill me with amazement as I am quite stunned she can even imagine it possible to hate such things as she finds to "hate". I despair all too often at the sound of the phrase "hate is a very strong word, you do not hate anything young lady" coming out of my mouth these days!) act.

Truth be told she is my darling, albeit a strong willed, determined, ambitious darling but I wouldn´t have her any other way. She is an amazing big sister who encourages, loves and cherishes little S and her big sister role. She even goes as far as genuinely not minding that little S blows her candles out and even tells her what a good job she did doing it!!!

May the world be filled with majesty and wonderment for all the years to come my darling.

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