investigations of a dag

By kasty

tower of babel

"Don't ever write a novel unless it hurts like a hot turd coming out." ~ Charles Bukowski

"Breathe in experience, breathe out poetry." ~ Muriel Rukeyser

now I've done what I can with my side project, here are the poetic turds books I want to read...

thank you for the nice comments yesterday.
Even though I am elated that I got the uni application in, I'd like to try to keep the momentum up. Feel like I've progressed from playful infant to petulant teenager.. but getting there.

if you are a book-fiend like me, this R4 program on writers and the family was pretty fascinating

or skip that and listen to 2 mins and 13 seconds of TomWaits reading Charles Bukowski's poem Nirvana as there's some of him in that pile somewhere

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