A brief case

By twodollarbill

Who am I -- Wilbur?

So let me tell you about this spider.

For the last two weeks, every time I got into the shower, I noticed this guy hanging out in there. I would temporarily freak out and then remove him to the sink before resuming my shower. For the last two weeks, every time I was about to empty my bladder of all the coffee healthy water I've been drinking I would notice this guy staring up at me with his 349303243203420 eyes from the rim of the bowl. I would temporarily freak out, then remove him and proceed. Then, the other night I noticed him scaling the ceiling above my bed. I would watch him cross the ceiling to the other end of the room, and then, satisfied, would turn back to my homework. Five seconds later I would look up and he'd be above my head again. I'd then watch him scale the ceiling only to see him, seconds later, above my head again. Repeat.

Finally I had had enough of him, so I braved the cup-and-paper method and took him downstairs. That was two days ago.

Tonight, I came home and found him scaling the ceiling above my bed. He is stalking me.

(Ok, so I don't know if it's the same spider, but this story requires you to suspend your disbelief or otherwise it is pointless. Also, it's less terrifying because the alternative is that this is not the same spider, but spider #2, and thus is evidence that spider #1 let all of its buddies know that it is safe to occupy my home because I don't kill spiders, and one day I will arrive home to find every inch occupied by arachnids.)

Basically what I'm wondering is if I should go ahead and take out a restraining order on this creature because I'm pretty sure you could airlift him to Mexico and he'd still find his way back to me.

Anyway, I realize that this is potentially a gross pic so I uploaded some cute pictures of my bird drinking this morning on my flickr account to compensate.

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