
By tolu

The pussy willow has been beckoning to me from the front garden since it first started budding a few weeks back. One wet morning I tried a couple of shots of the buds with my point-and-shoot, enticed by the droplets on their soft furriness but couldn't do them justice. Now the furry buds have given way to these male catkins and so I decided to have a play with them and the new camera.

Best angle for this shot meant either kneeling in the mud (but I am about to go out) or bending over the wall from the streetside so that all that was visible from the street were my legs and butt! Kai kept asking me, 'what are you doing mummy?'. Haha!

Laptop still on the blink so this is emailed to and uploaded from my iPhone.

Thank you so much for all you lovely comments yesterday. Truly blown away!


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