Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Wall of Love

This is my absolute favourite wall in my house. Iv always wanted a wall like this. I think its so special. It's full of memories of all the people, places & things Awsomo & I love. Nic nak's we've picked up over the years, artwork, special gifts given to us. Each photo marks a special occasion, a life changing moment, or simply makes us smile.

We call it our Wall of Love.

It's not finished yet, we still have the other side of the stairs to do. I hope when our friends and family visit, they enjoy it as much as we do. Without knowing it, I say hello to you all everyday. Knowing your all here, despite some of you no longer being with us, makes the difficult days that little bit easier.

Love you all, forever and always.

REDMarmalade xxx

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