The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

Thursday is my designated meme night?
Rush job, I'm afraid. Pic and meme... (Thanks, Mez, I tried!)

1) Favourite Wind In the Willows character? Give reasons for your choice.
How can anyone's favourite Wind In The Willows not be Toad? Rat is too nice and gullible, Mole is annoying - although I like the fact that he hates cleaning - Badger is too, well, that bothersome avuncular character who knows better than anyone and is all sensible and knows what to do and say in a crisis. Toad is well, Toad. He thinks of nothing but Toad, the fads of Toad, the joy and pleasure of Toad. He's a bit rubbish really, but his heart's in the right place. That said, the Toads of this world most likely want lining up against the wall and...well, actually, they want voting out of government first.

2) What are your views on leg warmers?
I am not sure I need to have views on them. If you must live your life as though through the medium of interpretive dance then the leg warmer may be your go-to accessory; however, that does not mean that I am not allowed to snigger quietly behind my hand at your ankles looking like they've been shoved inside patterned loo rolls.

3)Do you make a list when you do the food shopping or do you improvise?
Ah, now there's a hard one. We don't have the nice people who rearrange the supermarket shelves for us here, so I know our supermarket off by heart: I can more or less write a list in order of items as you will find them - if someone else is going shopping. I never bother doing lists for me and the problem then arises of indecision, panic about whether or not I have that already and if I do, is there enough of it? Oh and the thing that I would never have bought at all, ever, is now on special offer and I can have two of them even! So I do. I have a trolley filling mentality - I have to fill the trolley - even if it means wandering aimlessly around, under the pitying gaze of half the staff there.
I usually just think sod it, once the cats and mutts are ok for food, then the job is more or less done and the rest is just gravy.

4)Fountain pen or ballpoint?
Pens hate me. Ballpoint pens stick and refuse to work, fountain pens splurt all over me and give me inky hands, which does at least make me look interesting and creative or just messy. I almost never write, except to sign stuff, then if I need to write something down, then there is no pen because The Child pinches them all anyway. I am normally left with a stubby pencil, sorely in need of sharpening.

5)Do you think the US will end up bombing Syria if the Republicans get in?
Erm, yes. And Iran.

6)How many icecubes do you like in your cold drinks?
None. I don't like cold, cold drinks, unless it is beer and beer with ice cubes is just a whole pint glass of wrong.

7)Are you good at making daisy chains?
The one craft I excel at.

8)Deckchair or beachtowel?
It depends. If I'm on a sandy beach, I'd rather have a chair. I don't like sand, it gets all over the place and it sticks. I've given up sitting on beaches in the summer though, so to avoid damp and soggy backside in the winter, a deckchair would be nice.

9)Do you like Holden Caulfield?
Oh goodness, he really, really reminds me of someone I know. This person is, in the words of someone whose judgement I actually trust more than they will ever know, reminiscent of that slimy trail that snails leave behind them. He has that effect, it's true, but I am still over-the-interwebs friends with him, for some perverse reason. Holden Caulfield has that same effect on me.

10)Why do you think Walls the icecream people has different names in different countries?
Because Walls is difficult to pronounce in foreign? *She wonders, licking her Algida cornetto...*

Designated memes have designated tunes usually; and the designated tunes are generally Franks or Toms. Have some Cake... singing about Frank


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