Dear Heart

By dearheart

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Dear Heart,
I visited Swansea for my doctor's appointment today. I was dreading the whole trip, so having Siân come with me made all the difference. We caught an early morning train; the sky was still grey, and we talked for the whole hour about everything silly imaginable. Everything went smoothly, transport-wise. I worry so much about things, and yet when I try and put my finger on what exactly is upsetting me my hands come up empty.
I bought a vintage Penguin copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover, a book which (shamefully) I have yet to read. It wasn't so much the book itself, but what I found in it which made me determined to have it. There's a yellowing, cloud-scented permission slip folded neatly inside, from a girls' high school somewhere in bygone days. I rescued it. We ate crisp fries in McDonald's and chatted philosophically on the return journey. This evening was lovely, too - Lucy joined us to watch Aladdin and we giggled until Siân nearly fell off the bed from it.
I've been so worried about time slipping away from me of late. So this week has refreshed me somewhat. I'm still worried about work and deadlines and thousands of small endings and goodbyes, but today I kept my head above water.
I couldn't stop the evening passing, but I managed to live right in the centre of it.
Love, Lydia x

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