PresentSick - KL's life

By KittyLecter

I Know I'm Strange but, what are you?

So, today one of my uncles ask me if doesn't worry me being "weird" If I wasn't afraid about what other people think about me....
And that was really, weird for me xD
She's not the first person who had said me that...actually, a lot of my new "friends" and the rest of my family think that.

I considered my self pretty normal..well, I like things out of common like ghosts, serial killers, gore but just because I love horror movies and books and I'm interested about how human minds works...that's because I want study anthropology, philosophy and psychology...

To being honest, I would like being very very strange. Why? Because "normal" people is boring...

But, what is normal people? In my opinion, normal people is who is afraid about being themselves, try new things and accept what is different just because they are scared about what everybody else is going to think about his/her...

And, as I can see, in our society, weird people is who is passionate, who is not afraid to try new things and who is open mind.
Also, who likes educate themselves, reading books, learning different activities (play some instrument, learn photography, etc.)
People who don't follow fashion...

I think that things out of common are so much more interesting, "weird" people teach you other points of view and you can expand your world and meet new worlds.
Because, every person is a world.

It's ok being yourself, when you make what you love you are satisfied with yourself and you are happy!
And if people doesn't like that, well it doesn't mind very much, there's going to be people who is going to love what you do and who is going to love you, and that is the only important thing...

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