
By Nigel


So today begins usage of the iPhone in earnest,beginning of course with the camera. Which is not particularly good for £700 smartphone in my opinion. I would have been less expectant if I had not had the constant 'best everything in the world' rammed down my throat by all the apple-ophiles with iPhones I know. It doesn't appear any better or worse than any I have used before but the lack of controls or options is a bit of an oversight, some scene modes might at least have been added. And personally I find the pinch zoom unwieldy whilst trying to frame picture, a simple and more accurate slider would have been easier I think. Low light performance does not seem quite up to the level that Apple claim on the website and I can't say this is a very well exposed or focused image and it appears to be using f2.4 all the time which will require investigation to see if it ever uses anything else.

Work required me to fiddle in some C# and SQL which is slightly out of my depth but reasonably good fun and it's always nice to expand one's knowledge.

In the evening we listened to NUFC make an epic fail against Arsenal in the dying minutes and lose 2-1, but at least we didn't trek out to the pub to witness the disappointment.

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