Dazed and Confused

By dazednconfused

When the roads aren't wide enough

Drive on the path!

Traffic here is nuts. Truly nuts. No word of a lie, squadrons of mopeds hurtle down each and every street and when they get to a junction, box up incredibly closely - maybe 7 - 8 across and easily that many deep, probably more. If you're at the back and can't be bothered to fight your way through, you have 2 options, (a) drive on the other side of the road or (b) drive on the path.

Saw a few riders opt for (a) and it was like a scene from the Bible as the oncoming traffic opened up and enveloped the rider for a few seconds before s/he emerged unscathed at the other end. Awesome to watch.

And yes, that is a BMW garage :)

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