life with the Rissi's

By MrsRissi


Oh yes baby! Here is my ticket to see god in concert in may! I am beyond excited! I may only be 31 but I have loved that man as long as I can remember! Went to his 1st concert when I was 2! I am a massive fanilow!
Today went to the soft play with the playgroup girls, was a lovely morning, Oliver stayed dry the whole time we were there too!
My running stuff came today too, very excited about trying it out tomorrow! Had to go to the post office to pick it up though as my knob of a postie refuses to leave it in my secure porch despite me begging him to do so a number of times, instead I have to drag my 3 young children and a double buggy 3 miles into town, spend £1 on parking and cross a busy road because he is to much of a jobs worth to do as I ask!!!! Grrrrrr! Thankfully we are getting a new postie soon who will hopefully respect my wishes!
Rant over! See you to

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