
By usp

Paint me a picture

I went to see Treasures from the Queen's Palaces today. Most of the stuff I wouldn't want near my house (talk about George IV and bad taste), but this painting (Edward Corbould's Hetty Sorrel and Captain Donnithorne in Mrs Poyser's Dairy) struck a chord. Well, not so much the picture itself, but the description:

"Queen Victoria greatly admired Edward Corbould's work, and commissioned him to paint this scene from George Eliot's Adam Bede, in which the young Captain Donnithorne admires the flirtatious Hetty Sorrel during a visit to her aunt's dairy. The novel had been published in 1859 to much acclaim and was read several times by the Queen."

Since this afternoon I have been thinking: who would I commission to paint (or write a song/poem about?) a scene from a book I love? And which book(s) and scene(s) would I choose?


Also intriguing: what's with the one painting in the exhibition you are not allowed to photograph?

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