point and press

By crispinhj

After Hockney

Another amazing exhibition last night. We've certainly been going to see some amazing art recently. Vermeer, Burra and now Hockney.

We went courtesy of Lorraine (who pays us visits from her paradise in France) who blagged us a couple of free tickets and so the three of us went for the princely sum of £13. Not a bad deal if you measure it simply by the number of pictures per pound

It is an extraordinary exhibition -we all disagreed about which paintings we liked and disliked but were unanimous about the drawings and the works done on the ipad - we all loved them.

It was extremely crowded which is never a good way to look at pictures, though it does give you the opportunity to eavesdrop on some fascinating and pretentious conversations. We went at what was advertised as the quietest time but by the time we left at about 7.30 the queue was bigger than when we'd arrived all round the courtyard.

Outside was this rather fab decoration to the Fortnum & Mason's building

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