AliBee76's Project 365

By alibee76

77/366 - Mother's Day becomes Mother's Weekend

Bless my other half. Whenever it comes to birthdays or special days he gets a bit too giddy I always end up getting things earlier than planned. Today has been no exception. With the presents he had bought on Aimee's behalf being given to me by madam.

I got this shiny new watch, which I love..... it is perfect - love the purple face. Also, got some Lush bath bombs and bars - which madam has insisted I need to share with her :oD

Nothing to open up tomorrow - but am taking my Mum for her surprise present which got a mention earlier in the week. Won't be lying in I know that is for sure.... I am passing that up in the name of F1, given its the Australian Grand Prix tomorrow, granted I could record it - but I can't stand the tension of not knowing the result lol!

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