What About Me?

I started the day by walking through a couple of art shows. The first one was weak. Very weak. No photography at all. The second was outstanding, although perhaps a little hoity-toity. I like to work with gourds, albeit in a small way. There was a gourd artist at the show, and a couple of her gourds were for sale for $600.00. YIKES! Beautiful...but still YIKES!

I got in trouble at one of the photography booths. I took out my camera to take a picture of her pictures...knowing I wasn't supposed to. I didn't know her husband was on guard. He caught me...and shook his pointer finger and his head at me. OOPS! Her name was Carol Glazer, and I'm going to check out her website later.

Last year...thanks to the local paper...we found out there were sandhill crane babies behind a local mall. I blipped them 3 times lasy year.

I was hoping they would be back. I had already checked twice. Adults, but no babies.

That changed today!! 2 new little ones! I am far from an expert, but I would guess from the way they are stumbling along...10-11-12 days old. Maybe out of the nest for 3-4-5 days. Just a guess.

The parents and the babies are both on their best behavior. The parents show the chicks how to peck the ground for the big juicy grubs. The kids wait patiently for the parents to feed them. I hate to say it...but...SOOO CUTE!!!

I had them to myself for about 30 minutes. Then...one of "those couples" showed up. A camera that took 10 shots a second...37 inch long lenses...10 pound tripod...equipment all covered in camo. You know the type. He had the equivalent of a 1000mm lens, and she was hanging out at 750mm. Suddenly, I felt like a 2 megapixel point-and-shoot.

I'm sure they got some great shots, but as the crane family moved about...I had to chuckle as I quickly moved with them, while the couple had to pick up their 25 lbs., and set up again. HA!

Now that I know they are there, I'll return often. Nothing makes me feel better than to see dedicated parents, and to watch the little ones learn and grow. Nature at its finest! Perhaps us humans could learn something from the sandhills.

One good thing the couple did tell me was the location of an eagles nest. It's the closest I have ever been to one, but the nest was backlit. No good! Two full-sized infants with no sign of Mom or Dad. Maybe some other time.

I'd love to report that the chicks were perfect, too...but the bigger one is already picking on the little one. I'm guessing brother and sister. I have not named them yet. I think the one waiting for Mom is the little one. XXX-CITE-ING!!!

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